Troy Matjer

Market Place and E-Commerce website and mobile application with a lot of modern e-commerce features and a lot of customization options!

Main Features:
Multiple Language support
Store app iOS and Android (In app purchase at an extra value)
Reserve a private link (domain)
Online payment
Users Group
Users number
Product Categories
Unlimited products
Unlimited requests
Unlimited clients
Free SSL certificate
Sales commission

Advanced Features:
Analytics & Insights
Multi-Merchant Store
Custom Web Pages – Definition pages
Send the shipment tracking link to the buyer
Support for multiple product options
Classification of products by brands
Product stats support
Order filtering
Customer filtering
customer groups (Categorizing customers into groups and defining specific features for them)
Order History Tracking
Value added tax and Tax

Markting coupon
Discount coupons
Product Rating & Reviews
Customer Loyalty System
Shipping and delivery options

Payment Method:
Visa / Master Card
Cash on Delivery

Team Members
Customizable User Roles

Other Features:
Self Shipping Support
Driver App
Rental/Booking Product
Product Variation
Referal System
Wallet System